Η πρώτη Βουλή των Ελλήνων στο Ναύπλιο
Το Ελληνικό Κοινοβούλιο και το Μνημείο του
Αγνώστου Στρατιώτη
Η Παλαιά Βουλή
Goals and Means Article 2
1) The Goals of the Union are:
a) To participate in the establishment and implementation of democratic, social and parliamentary institutions in Greece and Europe. b) To develop Greece’s role in both Europe and the world as a force for peace, economic and cultural development. c) To cultivate a spirit of cooperation and solidarity within the political community for the overall welfare of the country. d) To enhance the prestige of parliamentary institutions and help establish non-partisan fora which promote dialogue, tolerance, social integrity, social justice and security. e) To protect the Greek language, humanistic education and principles, as well as the cultural principles of Hellenism without regard to race or other distinctions. f) To continuously contribute towards the communal good as laid out by the relevant articles of the Greek Constitution and, in particular, participate in activities that promote social inclusion and friendly relations. This includes giving every possible moral, legal and/or material assistance to disadvantaged groups and underprivileged classes and supporting the work of like-minded institutions in Greece. g) To assist in the resolution of problems encountered by the Union’s members and ensure that the institutions of the State accord appropriate treatment to the former representatives of the Greek people in the conduct of their public life. h) To support the efforts of the international community in the fight against narcotics, the exploitation of children and the abuse of women. i) To contribute to the continuous development of Greece while at the same time striving to protect the country’s natural environment and its cultural and historical heritage.
2) The Means for Realizing the Goals of the Union include:
a) The Hellenic Union of Former Members of Parliament and European Parliament is at the service of the Greek people and all European citizens. Its members are united in their support for justice and to come to the aid of citizens in difficulty, while also supporting the principles of parliamentary democracy. b) The Hellenic Union of Former Members of Parliament and European Parliament is a non-profit, non-governmental association which aims to promote intellectual values, dialogue among different cultures, and strengthen institutions for the benefit of the Greek people that will enhance both Greek and European society. c) All officers of the Union serve on a voluntary and unsalaried basis. d) All assets of the Union are duly recorded in the official accounts which are certified by the General Secretary and the Treasurer. e) In the event of the Union’s dissolution, its assets and records are automatically transferred to the Greek Parliament. f) The use and operation of the members’ lounge, the library and the office in Thessalonica, as well as the rules regarding sponsorship (i.e. from benefactors & donors), is regulated by the internal statutes of the Union and reviewed by the Executive Committee on an annual basis. g) Any matter which does not fall under the above mentioned provisions of the internal statutes is regulated by existing legislation concerning non-profit, non-governmental organizations. The internal statutes are comprised of twenty (20) articles and are signed by the President and the Secretary of the General Assembly.
All provisions of the present internal statutes are currently in force, except paragraph d of article 9, which will be come into force after the next session of the Administrative Committee and upon approval of those present. The next Executive Committee meeting will also decide on the three-year terms of the Scrutinizing Committee and the Disciplinary Committee.